I recall that this mandala was created shortly after I had been deeply hurt by someone dear to me. From that pain I became very angry. Constantly re living the situation in my mind; thinking of things that I could, should have, wished I had said or done, was making me tired and frustrated. I wanted to create as much distance between them and me as possible, to be free from the whole situation. I could not understand or accept that one so dear to me could cause so much pain. What was wrong with me? What was wrong with them? A lot of processing of unpleasant thoughts and feeling went on.

Some time passed. Life went on. The anger had been washed away with tears. The pain went away and the hurt softened. The situation had changed and so had everything else. Forgiveness emerged from the dark place where I had been. Relief. My relationship with the loved one was precious, worth it. We both learn t a lot.


The soul walks not upon the line, neither does it grow like the reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.                             Kahlil Gibran


We cannot force our unfolding. According to the divine plan we evolve in the right place at the right time. Just as the lotus is nourished by the depths of the muddy pond our difficult and dark times have enabled us to grow strong and beautiful. All parts of the plant contribute to the flower and the environment must be right. When we are ready to emerge again into the sunlight the petals of our hearts will naturally and gently open.

To learn more about mandalas and what the mean, please explore the site. If you're interested in creating your own mandala with me in a small group setting, check out the WORKSHOPS section where you'll find the latest offerings. I would love to meet you and encourage you to be a part of our next class! Contact us for more info at the CONTACT section. Happy creating!

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