52 FREE MANDALAS FOR YOU! (plus interpretations)
Over the past 30 years I've explored many mediums in a search to express my creativity. From china painting to icons; painting massive murals and creating mosaics on the walls of buildings, to smaller things like cooking in the kitchen :) The point is, I'm always looking for new ways to express my inner thoughts and feelings creatively, in a way that words cannot do justice.
Along this fascinating journey there has always been a constant - Mandalas. I created my first mandala when I was 16 and have learned a lot since then! When I say I've learned a lot, I'm not talking about brush techniques or painting skills either, I'm referring to what I have learned THROUGH painting mandalas, about myself and the world around me. From personal projects to community collaborations, I've painted hundreds of mandalas myself and taught others to make thousands of mandalas (not that I'm counting). Today I've decided to share some of my work with you, 52 mandalas in fact!
Each week, for the next 52 weeks, I'll be posting one of my creations right here :) Every mandala I share will also be accompanied by my own interpretation of the mandala itself. Feel free to download the high resolution image and use it as your desktop or iPhone background if you like :) I look forward to your feedback.
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Aristotle
In mythology the unicorn is rendered helpless by his love for the young maiden. The magnet force of love draws two souls together for a purpose. Beyond our control the power of love creates feelings for another that are often greater than those that we may have for ourselves. They reflect our wholeness and mirror our potential – our other half. Love is that magical quality that allows us to find our self within another. The love between two halves makes a whole.
To learn more about what they mean, please explore the site. If you're interested in creating your own mandala with me in a small group setting, check out the WORKSHOPS section where you'll find the latest offerings. I would love to meet you and encourage you to be a part of our next class! Contact us for more info at the CONTACT section. Happy creating!
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The information and interpretations of these mandalas are for entertainment purposes only. By utilizing and accessing interpretations and information you agree to release mandala magic from any and all liability with regard to the contents of the site and/or advice received.
You agree to take full responsibility for any and all consequences acted upon in utilizing the information provided.